Welcome to the site for all the latest information about Connecticut's dirty little century, roughly 118miles in early September, about half off paved surfaces. Please start by reading The Basics (this is a link) for information about the ride (if current year Basics is not yet available, the previous year will give a general gist).

Rather than answer individual questions repeatedly, please address questions as "comments" to the MOST RECENT post and I will answer in a blog posting for all to see.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pre-Basics 2014 (same as it ever was)

Ok, ok, just another teaser really, but also a little honest information.  We've had a bit of frozen precipitation this winter and with the climate changing and dropping the polar vortex further south that usual, I've been kept from checking out the route due to snow on the ground.  So, that's my excuse for not having the full basics ready to post.

So, here's the plan: As usual, the ride is planned for the last Saturday in April (4/26/2014) with Sunday kept in the pocket as a rain/snow/meteor date.  Ride starts promptly at 8am from the Hop River Rail Trail parking lot on Colonial Ave in Manchester, CT, just of the intersection with Sheldon/Parker Rd.  My expectation is the route will be the same as last year, but again, I haven't been able to check it, so I don't want to post it (only to change it later to much confusion).

For now, satisfy the rest of your curiosity by perusing last year's Basics here.  The day and time are set; be there!